is a process that uses police diversion...

is a process that uses police diversion...

LEAD is a simple but powerful program model that allows trained police officers to take people who they otherwise would have arrested and connect them into non-punitive, non-coercive, trauma-based intensive service programs coordinated by a case manager

  • Sub Iamge

  • Sub Iamge

Katal spearheaded the effort to establish Albany’s LEAD program, in partnership with the Albany Police Department, the Mayor’s office, other agencies, and community groups.

Katal is providing technical assistance to the city as LEAD evolves and is facilitating the community leadership team so that people most impacted have a say in the program. We’re also working to replicate LEAD across New York, holding up Albany as a model. We’re currently engaging stakeholders to varying degrees in Binghamton, Buffalo, Hudson, Rochester, Syracuse, and more. And we’re promoting LEAD as the kind of program that New York City can implement to reduce its jail population and take another step toward closing Rikers. 

Learn more by visiting